Connecting People and Purpose: A Christian Theory of Library Leadership

Smith, G. A. (2004, June). Connecting people and purpose: A Christian theory of library leadership [Conference session]. Annual conference of the Association of Christian Librarians, Springfield, MO.

Title Slide


A Christian theory of library leadership integrates insights from various strands of professional literature with biblical teachings. Old and New Testament prescriptions for five political and spiritual offices--prophet, priest, king, apostle, and pastor--provide the biblical perspective. Leadership literature within and beyond the realm of library science contribute theoretical and research insights. Effective library leadership requires simultaneous attention to people and production, expressed in terms of six factors: character, purpose, servanthood, balance, communication, and lifelong learning.

Examples of leadership theory and research cited in the presentation includes:

  • Most cited leadership traits (Kouzes & Posner)

  • Imperatives of servant leadership (Greenleaf)

  • Leadership Grid® (Blake & McCanse)

  • Contingency theory of leadership (Fiedler)

  • Substitutes for leadership (Sergiovanni)

Below are some sample slides from the presentation:

Sample Slide 1
Sample Slide 2
Sample Slide 3
Sample Slide 4
Sample Slide 5

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