
About the Site

gregoryasmith.info is a portfolio of more than 80 resources created by site curator Gregory A. Smith. The site’s content is intended to help organizations—especially those that seek to advance the greater good—function more effectively.

Site resources take many forms and cover a diverse range of topics. Collectively, though, they convey that effective leaders and organizations pay significant attention to learning—not merely in academic or technical matters, but also in the cultivation of productive relationships with internal and external stakeholders.

About the Curator

Librarian. Academic administrator. Author. Editor. Teacher. Data enthusiast. Conference speaker. Consultant. These are some of the professional identities that I’ve taken on since I embarked on my career in the mid-1990s.

I’m currently employed at Liberty University, serving as Director of the Ehrhorn Law Library. Although I’ve worked almost exclusively in libraries over the past 30 years, my experience has been anything but stereotypical. In fact, I’ve accumulated meaningful experience--through regular duties, projects, or committee work--in a diverse range of areas: budget management, assessment, collection management, institutional research, strategic planning, facility planning, adjunct teaching, and more.

Earning degrees in four disciplines (religion, library science, business, and leadership) and taking graduate courses in three others (education, communication, and law) has equipped me to think about and respond to professional challenges from multiple perspectives. Throughout my career, the opportunity to learn new things has been a powerful motivator. Not content to keep that knowledge to myself, I’ve often shared my enthusiasm for learning by writing, making presentations, and undertaking special projects.

Finally, I’ve taken the unconventional path of seeking to relate my Christian faith with every area of my life—including my intellectual and professional pursuits—rather than relegate it to the realm of private devotion. Accordingly, several gregoryasmith.info resources engage with their subject matter from a Christian worldview. All content is my own and does not reflect the views of any organization with which I am or have been affiliated.

For a more complete picture of my experience, skills, and accomplishments, see my curriculum vitae.

—Gregory A. Smith